
Both our retreat centres offer different packages which can vary in terms of Ayurveda treatment durations and medications. In addition to our standard retreats given below, both our UK and SL centre arranged special retreats and free public events from time to time. These details will be available on our social media pages.

All packages include Yoga and meditation classes, as well as full access to the property grounds and extra activities such as cookery classes and wisdom talks.

If you are planning to come specifically for the treatment of a disease through Ayurveda medicine please contact us for suggestions in terms of duration of stay, ideal package, and we can guide you what to expect. We are different from the standard yoga retreats or spa holidays so as we employ the knowledge of Ayurveda and Yoga in its full and authentic form. Our doctors and coaches have worked with many guests and successfully treated or managed many ailments, even chronic ones, as well as supporting those that need a little get away, a relaxation and rejuvenation.

See below for the different package options offered at our each of our centres:


Sri Lanka Centre


Yoga & Mindfulness Package

This is our basic package and is great for short get aways to focus on your mindfulness practices of yoga and meditation. This will introduce you to our approach to wellness through loving kindness, healthy eating and mindfulness practices surrounded by nature.

Inclusions are:

  • Room
  • Guided daily yoga (2.5hrs per day) and meditation
  • Ayurvedic meals & snacks
  • Water and herbal tea at all times
  • Afternoon Activities including:
    • Walks in the plantation and paddy-field
    • Tree Planting
    • Vegetable/fruit picking activities during seasons
    • Watching rubber tapping or paddy harvesting during seasons
    • Cookery demonstrations
    • Community project activities
    • Attending Talks about Yoga & Ayurveda philosophy, Improving daily habits, incorporating Ayurveda in to daily life, Mindfulness etc
    • One 30min Abhyanga Massage
    • One Detoxing Ayurvedic Steam or Herbal Bath
    • One Ayurvedic Cleansing Facial Mask


Mind Body Detox Package

Our daily lives in the modern world introduces so much toxins in to our bodies. This can leave you feeling lethargic, bloated and unhappy. The healthy body creates a healthy mind. It is important to have our bodies in its optimum form. Our detox package is a light introduction to Ayurveda and offers a light detox of the body and mind to help restore the mind-body balance you need to return to your home feeling revitalised and re energised.

Inclusions are:

  • Room
  • Doctor consultation
  • Daily Ayurveda Detox Abhyanga Massage
  • Daily Ayurveda Detox Herbal Steam/Bath
  • Daily Ayurveda Cleansing face mask
  • Ayurvedic internal cleansing treatment
  • Ayurvedic meals & snacks
  • Water and herbal tea at all times
  • Guided daily yoga (2.5hrs per day) and meditation
  • Afternoon Activities including:
    • Walks in the plantation and paddy-field
    • Tree Planting
    • Vegetable/fruit picking activities during seasons
    • Watching rubber tapping or paddy harvesting during seasons
    • Cookery demonstrations
    • Community project activities
    • Attending Talks about Yoga & Ayurveda philosophy, Improving daily habits, incorporating Ayurveda in to daily life, Mindfulness etc


Full Ayurveda & Panchakarma Package 

A completely personalised, comprehensive and holistic experience, our doctors and therapist will work with you from day one to gather a holistic understanding of your physical ailments, areas for stress of the mind, lifestyle, and wellness objectives and requirements. This would be the package to choose if you want to relax, completely detox and rejuvenate and also if you are unwell and want to come for healing and recovery.

Note: The Full Ayurveda Package includes Panchakarma treatments. We would recommend a minimum 21 nights to enable the administration of the full panchakarma treatments but if you are short of time, we can amend it to 7-14day packages.


  • Room
  • Doctor consultations and monitoring
  • Daily Ayurveda treatments as per doctor’s instructions (including special treatments and panchakarma)
  • Daily Ayurvedic medicines as per doctor instructions
  • Ayurvedic meals & snacks
  • Water and herbal tea at all times
  • Guided daily yoga (2.5 hrs per day) and meditation
  • Afternoon Activities including:
    • Walks in the plantation and paddy-field
    • Tree Planting
    • Vegetable/fruit picking activities during seasons
    • Watching rubber tapping or paddy harvesting during seasons
    • Cookery demonstrations
    • Community project activities
    • Attending Talks about Yoga & Ayurveda philosophy, Improving daily habits, incorporating Ayurveda in to daily life, Mindfulness etc


Weight Loss Package

The retreat is tailored to your specific health and weight concerns in conjunction with our experienced Ayurvedic doctors and therapists as well as a fitness trainer / instructor who will all work with you to help achieve optimum results during your stay, leaving feeling lighter in body, mind & spirit. Note: The speed and amount of weight loss is dependent on each guest. We will also work with any cognitive issues relating to weight issues for you to maximise results.


  • Room
  • Ayurveda Doctor Consultation
  • Ayurveda medicines according to Doctor’s instructions to enhance weight loss
  • Ayurveda therapy according to Doctor’s instructions to enhance weight loss
  • Ayurveda meal plan for Weight Loss
  • Training three times a week with a Fitness Instructor
  • Water and herbal tea at all times
  • Guided daily yoga (2.5hrs per day) and meditation
  • Afternoon Activities including:
    • Walks in the plantation and paddy-field
    • Tree Planting
    • Vegetable/fruit picking activities during seasons
    • Watching rubber tapping or paddy harvesting during seasons
    • Cookery demonstrations
    • Community project activities
    • Attending Talks about Yoga & Ayurveda philosophy, Improving daily habits, incorporating Ayurveda in to daily life, Mindfulness etc

Note: The speed and amount of weight loss is dependent on each guest. We will also work with any cognitive issues relating to weight issues for you to maximise results.


Cancer Treatment and Management Package 

A completely personalised, treatment for those suffering from Cancer or have suffered and been treated by Western Medicine. This is a treatment option for those who are either looking for a natural therapy option for Cancer or for those who have no western treatment options available. It is also ideal for those who have had surgery and chemo/radiation as cancer treatments to remove effects of radiation and rejuvenate the body and mind whilst getting treated to avoid recurrences. Our doctors specialise on treating cancer through Ayurveda and Indigenous Medicine and represent Sri Lanka and world cancer conferences. This is a completely holistic treatment approach targeting both body and mind, identifying the causative factors for the Cancer, removal of the disease and immersion in to a new healthy lifestyle. Patients are required to correspond with the doctors even after your stay to ensure we can monitor and support you.

As the level of care needed vary with patients, the package will be tailor made so please email us with the following details for you/your loved one:

  • Diagnosis
  • Current treatments undertaken
  • Present physical and mental condition and general wellbeing
  • Note: Patients are strongly recommended to take an online consultation with our Cancer Specialist so he can review your current medical reports and advice on how we can help, duration of stay requirements and treatment options recommended.



UK Centre


Yoga & Mindfulness Package

This is our basic package and is great for you to learn about our approach to wellness using Yoga, Meditation and Ayurvedic Lifestyle. This will introduce you to our approach to wellness through loving kindness, healthy eating and mindfulness practices surrounded by nature.

Inclusions are:

  • Room
  • Guided daily yoga and meditation (3hrs per day)
  • Ayurvedic meals
  • Water and herbal tea at all times
  • Afternoon Activities including:
    • Cookery demonstrations
    • Attending talks about Yoga, Ayurveda and Buddhist philosophy, Improving daily habits, incorporating Ayurveda in to daily life, Mindfulness etc
    • Mindful activities
    • Beautiful countryside walks (unguided)


Mind Body Detox Package

A getaway to detox the mind and body from the stresses and toxins of our modern lives. Our detox package is an introduction to Ayurveda and offers a light detox of the body and mind to help restore the mind-body balance you need to return to your home feeling revitalised and re energised.

Inclusions are:

  • Room
  • Guided daily yoga and meditation (3hrs per day)
  • 60mins Ayurvedic detox abhyanaga massage
  • 20mins Ayurvedic detox herbal scrub
  • 20mins Ayurvedic herbal steam bath
  • Ayurvedic meals
  • Water and herbal tea at all times
  • Afternoon Activities including:
    • Cookery demonstrations
    • Attending talks about Yoga, Ayurveda and Buddhist philosophy, Improving daily habits, incorporating Ayurveda in to daily life, Mindfulness etc
    • Mindful activities
    • Beautiful countryside walks (unguided)


Stress Relief Package

Given the fast pace and modern complexities surrounding our lives and changes around us is resulting a rise in mental health related conditions around the world. Alot of these result from unmanaged stress levels or our inability to manage the stress we face as we go through life. This package is tailored specially to address stress using Ayurvedic treatments and mindfulness practices. Not only will it help you relax, but you can also learn how to manage stress going forward.

Inclusions are:

  • Room
  • Guided daily yoga and meditation (3hrs per day)
  • 1 Life Coaching session
  • 45mins Ayurvedic shirodhara treatment
  • 20mins Ayurvedic rejuvenating head massage
  • Water and herbal tea at all times
  • Afternoon Activities including:
    • Cookery demonstrations
    • Attending talks about Yoga, Ayurveda and Buddhist philosophy, Improving daily habits, incorporating Ayurveda in to daily life, Mindfulness etc
    • Mindful activities
    • Beautiful countryside walks (unguided)


Weight Loss Package

Many would find loosing weight hard and a rather personal struggle. A strong start would give you a boost on your weight loss journey and also guidance on a sustainable approach to loose weight and maintain it. Results of most fad diets and boot camps are short lived and at worst, the weight comes back with a vengeance. Therefore, the best is a practical and sustainable approach that brings both fast results and is aligned to the body’s natural rhythm. Our weight loss package for 5 or 10days offers just that. Using the principles of Ayurveda, modern fitness training and mindfulness practices of Yoga and Meditation we provide a natural, proven and sustainable approach to weight loss.

Inclusions are:

  • Room
  • Guided daily yoga and meditation (3hrs per day)
  • Consultation on arrival and departure with our Coach
  • Measurements/weight check on arrival and departure
  • Daily fitness training
  • Water and herbal tea at all times
  • Afternoon Activities including:
    • Cookery demonstrations
    • Attending talks about Yoga, Ayurveda and Buddhist philosophy, Improving daily habits, incorporating Ayurveda in to daily life, Mindfulness etc
    • Mindful activities
    • Beautiful countryside walks (unguided)