Our Concept

Here at the Plantation Villa, we do things a little differently. Our philosophy is driven by kindness and inspired by wellness. The wellness of our guests, our space, our people, our work and our environment are paramount to our way of life. Our approach begins with kindness to all in need of love and care. We understand the needs of those who are unwell or come to escape the chaos of city life. We believe in every tree, bird and breath of wind that connects our villa to the world around us. We work tirelessly to sustain this environment. We are also a communal space; our people come from the nearby village with whom we are connected to across generations. We aim to make everyone feel at home. Inspired by ancestral roots and indigenous practices; we take you on a continuous, interconnected, six-step journey to wellness.



Emotional Wellness is the first step in your journey. This is why we begin with love. We believe that wellbeing means much more than treating the body. The core of our process is understanding everyone’s primal need to be cared for. Plantation Villa is inspired by Buddhist Teachings, especially that of Metta (Loving Kindness). Here is a sanctuary of healing where you are more than a guest – as you are welcomed in to our home, rather than to a hotel. Whilst we pamper you and treat your ailments, you will also be taught many tools that help achieve emotional stability and inner peace. Alongside your healing process, the time you spend in our natural environment and your interactions with our team will help open your mind to a new way of thinking. Our people come from a completely different culture and lifestyle which is why we offer more than a holiday. With us, you are on a journey to a healthier body, happier mind and an uplifted spirit!



Traditional health systems were less divisive between mind and body, and this is the view we follow. One must not forget that any change in the body alters our mind perspective; the feelings, thoughts, and emotions that we experience. Just remember the last time you felt sick and the changes you felt in your emotions. For example: Angry feelings, sad thoughts and accompanying behaviours.
Ayurveda offers a range of medicinal herbs and treatments that target more specifically our experience of mind. We combine this with meditation, wisdom talks/discussions to sharpen our life views and philosophies, a calming environment, and the company of empathic people. This is not a spa, but indeed a retreat! It is a place to reshape our capacity to experience life in a skillful way.



We aim at establishing three pillars for body health. These are nutrition, lifestyle and sleep. When these are applied correctly, whilst taking in to account the different needs and constitutions of each individual, complete health and wellbeing is easily achieved. Much of our food comes from our organic gardens or local farms and all meals are freshly made. Following the principles of Ayurveda in terms of food combination, mealtimes, weather, preparation and seasoning. Our menu is catered by our Ayurvedic doctors. It is not overly complex and fancy, yet it is delicious! We also offer Yoga and fitness sessions that can address body health and proper functioning of our internal systems. In general, our guests experience better sleep due to the conducive lifestyle. This includes calming evenings without overstimulation, needs of the body catered, conversations and reflections that pacify the heart, and exercise without exaggeration. Another great balm for sound sleep and happy wellbeing, is our environment. You will wake up with dozens of bird’s songs and go to sleep to gentle streams of moon beams flowing through our trees into your room.



We are a social enterprise. Our retreats fund and maintain the Metta Trust Charity which provides community development, wildlife and forest preservation. We maintain the local temple, provide free medicine for underprivileged communities, support our local village schools in Sri Lanka and fund many of the community activities in our village and surroundings. Occasionally individuals also contact us for help, which we are always happy to assist with. Most of our staff in our centre in Sri Lanka are local villagers from underprivileged backgrounds whom we have trained and offered employment along with mentoring to improve their lives and families. Over the years, our staff has proved to be one of our guests’ favourite elements! Their kind heartedness comes from their deep confidence in the knowledge that Plantation Villa also belongs to them. It is a place where their potential can be explored and their lives improved.



Here, inner journeys begin with stepping outside. We believe in changing our “atomistic” lifestyles, where we see ourselves as separated from the rest, be it other people, other animals, nature, or even our own bodies! Here, our view is integrative. Nothing exists in separation, but dependant on each other. We all know that a natural environment supports good mental and physical health. We have immense gratitude for the luxuries of the earth that help us thrive and we believe in giving back to the planet so that future generations can continue to live in a green world. Our commitment to nature goes beyond a philosophy and is seen in every action we perform. We help with reforestation activities, growing and tending to endangered and endemic plants assisting the many other species we share our plantation with. We grow our own food, plant trees, nurture our wildlife and tend to the breath-taking world around us so that you may walk into a little piece of paradise.



Spirituality is the sense of integration, when we have the experience of meaning, truth, and selfless immersion in life. Traditionally spirituality was not a product that could be bought, but something that was lived. We believe it to be so. We believe spirituality is the result of the combination of all the previous points, leading to a lasting sense of fulfilment. For spirituality to flourish one does not need to be religious. It is enough to keep our bodies healthy, keep the mind calm, and to experience the dissolution of individuality into the collective togetherness. It is also to remember our belonging to nature, and to shape the meaning we give to life and the principles we abide by. Spirituality is the conclusion of our path.